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Audio Mastering Auto Tune

stagmelbipaulage 2020. 8. 30. 21:39

  1. Audio Mastering Auto Tunes
  2. Auto Audio Mastering System
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  4. Audio Mastering Auto Tune Online

Audio Mastering Auto Tunes

Autotune download

Auto-Tune has been the long-established standard in pitch correction. But what does it offer that built-in DAW tools don't? Matthew Loel T. Hepworth will answer that question.
  • May 08, 2019 Recording Hip Hop Vocals with UAD Plugins & Auto-Tune Universal Audio. Unsubscribe from Universal Audio? And mastering audio. Headquartered in Scotts Valley, California, UA is.
  • Mastering Auto-Tune provides users of all levels a handy, comprehensive guide to getting the most out of this key music production technology, from the ubiquitous Auto-Tune effect heard on countless hit singles to the discrete pitch correction applied to countless albums and live performances.

Feb 14, 2018  How to Install Auto- Tune to Adobe Audition. Adobe Audition audio- production software lets you create and edit tracks for use in sound and video projects, from podcasts to home movies. The 'Effects' feature in Adobe Audition offers a selection of sound manipulation tools.

Some product names like Xerox, Photoshop, and Kleenex are instantly identifiable by nearly anyone. Similarly, a lot of people who aren’t into music production know what Auto-Tune is and what it does. It was the first pitch correction tool and has become ubiquitous in recording studios for enthusiasts and experts alike. Many artists use it as an effect, while producers use it as a tool. Now in its 9th iteration, Auto-Tune Pro brings new features to users, regardless of how you use it.

What’s New

This new version comes with two plug-ins: Auto-Tune for tuning, and Auto-Key. the latter can detect the proper key of the song, an especially helpful tool for users without a background in music theory. It can also be used to program multiple instances of Auto-Tune with the correct key signature. There’s also ARA support for compatible DAWs, which allows for graphical editing without the need to ‘capture’ the audio into the plug-in first.
Also new — or old — is the Classic Mode, which switches to the legacy Auto-Tune 5 algorithm. AT5 had a unique sonic personality, especially for those who use it as an effect. Essentially, if you want to ‘hear’ Auto-Tune, you’ll love Classic Mode.
The Auto-Tune plug-in has a more refined 'sharp and dark' interface. If you've ever used AT in the past, using AT9 will be a breeze. It has Auto Mode for tightening pitches in real-time without capturing or rendering, plus Graph Mode for surgical editing.

Using Auto-Key

To automatically detect the key signature of a song, insert Auto-Key on your DAW master output. You can also insert it on a single track or group bus so long as the source material contains melodic elements. The display will then read, 'Listening...' When you play back the song, the key will be detected and shown in the display. The notes in the scale will appear in blue on the virtual keyboard, and clicking the Send to Auto-Tune™ button will publish the results to every loaded instance of the AT9 plug-in. You can also manually select from all of the major and minor scales from a drop-down menu, or load/save a preset by clicking the File button.

I found that Auto-Key is exceptionally accurate, although songs with heavily overdriven guitars can cause a few missed detections. For genres like that, try inserting Auto-Key on a bass, keyboard, or vocal track rather than the master bus.

Auto Mode

For those situations where the track needs a hint of correction, that's where Auto Mode shines. It has four basic controls. Retune Speed alters the pace at which the pitches are corrected. Songs with fast tempos and phrasing need a higher speed, while a slower correction can sound invisible when applied to tracks with slower rhythms or more extended phrasing.

Flex-Tune controls how much of the original pitch is retained and can leave a singer's (or other musician's) pitch nuances intact. (Tip: If you want the Auto-Tune effect, set each of these to zero, full-clockwise and counterclockwise, respectively.) When using fast Retune Speeds, the Humanize control can make sustained notes sound more natural, and the Vibrato knob can increase or decrease the vibrato in the original performance. Double-clicking a knob will reset it to its default value. The Pitch Change meter is in the center of the UI and shows the root pitch as well as how sharp or flat the note is, +/- 100 cents. The Hold button momentarily freezes both the Pitch Change meter and keyboard display for instant pitch analysis.

At the top of the control panel are the settings for Input Type (alto, tenor, etc.), key, and scale where you'll find much more than Western scales. You can also transpose in +/-12 semitones, and retune the entire plug-in from 415.3 to 466.2 Hz. The Tracking control can be useful if the clip you're retuning is noisy, has breaths or other human-induced noises.
By using a MIDI keyboard, you can have Auto-Tune follow the notes you play live or on a pre-recorded MIDI track. However, if you've pre-selected a key and scale, the keyboard will be dimmed out. To enable it, set the key to chromatic. The keyboard has both Latch (note stays on even after lifting off the MIDI note-on) and Momentary (traditional MIDI note-on/off) settings.

Turning on the Advanced mode reveals all the Vibrato settings, as well as the tuning of each note in the scale. You can also remove or bypass each note to prevent them from being retuned, and you can play the scale in from a MIDI keyboard.

Classic Setting

Is there such a thing as vintage software? In the case of Auto-Tune Pro 9, the answer is yes. One of the most frequent requests from long-time users was to bring back the sound characteristics of Auto-Tune 5. Many appreciated its bright sonic personality and distinct retuning characteristics. When you enable Classic, the Flex-Tune knob will be dimmed because that feature wasn't available in version 5. The retuning will sound a little more obvious, so if you want a more 'invisible' pitch correction, disable Classic Mode.

Formant Correction

Formants are the changes in tonal characteristics determined by the shape of a human's throat. (Any animal's throat, in case you're recording non-humans.) When the Formants button is on, you can alter the shape with the Throat control. Formant correction is especially useful when you're transposing from one key to another. (Note: Be aware that Formant Correction does not work in Classic Mode.)

Graph Mode

Graph Mode is designed to be an offline process, in that it doesn't work in real-time. Instead, you record or 'capture' the timing and/or pitch of an audio clip into the plug-in, then apply the edited version back into the DAW. (Note: Both Studio One and Mixcraft are ARA-compatible, meaning you don't have to capture the audio for AT to edit in Graph Mode.) By using the correction curves, lines, and objects, you take full control over each pitch and vibrato element, as well as the timing.

Graph Mode showing the original pitch (red), correction object (blue), and resulting pitch correction (green).

The plug-in has its own undo/redo buttons, and there's a Clear All option for deleting all the time and/or pitch corrections you've made. I found the standard zoom setting of the pitches to be very small, even on a 1080P display. Fortunately, you can zoom the display, and also recall up to six zoom states. Alt/Option-clicking will memorize your own zoom setting into the corresponding state. If you go into 'Settings' > 'Preferences', you do have the option to type in a larger size to increase the size of the interface, which of course is especially useful on 4-5K monitors.


With nearly every DAW including some sort of built-in pitch correction tool, I'm sure many have pondered the need for Auto-Tune. It's a fair question. But AT9 offers many more features than most DAWs provide, plus you now get the contemporary sound of version 9 or the vintage sound of AT5 in one plug-in that is compatible with modern operating systems. If you're still on the fence, download the trial version at antarestech.com. (iLok account and USB iLok required.) If you need more pitch correction capabilities than your DAW provides and you like new features in version 9, Auto-Tune Pro is certainly worthy of your investment.

Price: $399

Pros: Sounds great as an effect or utility, Auto-Key makes setting the key signature a breeze, new tuning features add welcome sonic refinements, Classic Mode for the legacy Auto-Tune sound.
Cons: It costs more than some popular DAWs, Graph Mode is small and constricted on high-resolution, non-scaled displays.

Web: https://www.antarestech.com/product/auto-tune-pro/

Learn more about vocal production and mixing: https://ask.audio/academy?nleloc=new-releases

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If you’re looking for Autotune Vst or the way to download Antares Autotune free then you came to the right place! In this post, we explained how to download autotune vst for free.

Auto Audio Mastering System

For modifying different parameters of the audio signal, we have thousands of devices and software. These audio processing units like audio editors and many others have different application area. Also, they will alter either the digital or analog sound wave parameters.

Adding effects to the audio signals is one thing for which many useful devices exist. For examples, these effects include reverb, echo, noise canceling, filter, phaser, equalization and for creating many more effects.

This Autotune Evo software by Antares also provides Pitch correction VST for correcting the pitch and making it uniform across the audio signal.

Here are the few unique features of Antares Autotune VST Plugin:

  • A New, Streamlined User Interface
  • Classic Mode
  • Automatic Key and Scale Detection
  • Audio Random Access
  • MIDI Parameter Control
  • Auto-Tune Pitch Correction and Vocal Effect
  • Graphic Pitch Editing
  • Adjust Retune Speed, Vibrato, and Throat on Individual Notes

Download Antares Autotune 8 / VST Plugin

Recording music was quite an overwhelming task during 70’s since to get a smooth vocal intonation; the singer has to sing the song multiple times.

To fix this problem, the sound engineers invented a few devices, but they got the actual achievement only after the discovery of Auto-tune. Auto-Tune serves as the Pitch recorder and corrector highly used during music recording and live music performances. Fabricated by Antares Audio Technologies, Auto-tune launched for the first time in 1997.

With Auto-tune the fluctuating pitches and the lousy note of the singers while performing in the live music concerts is not a problem anymore.

For that matter, it shifts the audio tone to the nearest semitone which corrects the off-pitch notes of the vocal tracks. Additionally, it works when there is a need for distortion in the rising and lowering pitch of songs.

Auto-Tune can use as a plugin hosted on DAW during the studio recording, or it can work as a standalone device during live performances.

Versions of Antares Auto-Tune

Audio Mastering Auto Tune Free

After its launch in 1997 till now, Auto-Tune kept updating its features. Last year it launched its 8th version called Auto-Tune 8 which got quite an appreciation from the professional musicians.


Auto-Tune 8 acquire the best features which make it working in the Graphic mode and Automatic mode. Also, its Low Latency Mode offers excellent pitch correction for high-quality sound during the live performances.

One can download the Auto-Tune licensed version from its official site in just a $399. There is an option of a free trial which will be valid for a few hours.

How Antares Autotune VST Works?

For the detailed knowledge of the Auto-Tune working, you may watch out for various tutorials present online. On the whole, it’s about selecting the right reference point for the music note or scale and the derivation rate for modulation.

You may adjust the derivation rate at times so that you receive a clean and seamless flow of sound. There is no limitation when it comes to the type of music it can edit. No wonder, it is the most widely accepted and used for getting perfect music.

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The upgrade in its features for time correction which makes the natural pitch correction. Furthermore, it has now Flex-Tune correction technology that helps musicians to extend their creativity.

It also provides with some more tools like formant correction and Vibrato Controls. Besides this Throat Modelling technology and the Humanize function are also its part.

Talking about the Humanize function, it controls the short notes distortion along with preserving the sustained notes for natural pitch variation.

Auto-Tune VST Plugin used by all the famous artists

Audio Mastering Auto Tune Online

Auto-Tune plugins will run correctly on various operating systems which includes Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. The world-wide artists like Snoop Dogg, Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Kanye West, Travis Scott, Lady Gaga, Future, Lil Uzi Vert and Migos use it during live performing or recording.

However, the software also got criticism and backlash in 2009 in the name of hindering uniqueness of every artist vocal. But, then many artists supported it by stating its enormous capabilities of enhancing creativeness in hip-hop and R&B music.

Antares Auto-tune 8 Video Tutorial